Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Improving roll skills: Side Sculling & Standar Greenland Roll

As we wrote before... There is nothing more rewarding than view of paddler improving his skills on Rebel Kayak. Paddler is using Rebel Ilaga. He has launched his own channel on Vimeo and decided to share his experiences with Rebel Ilaga. Thank You for that! At previous post we posted video with Standard Greenland Roll & Balance Brace.

Practicing: Side Sculling

Practicing: Standard Greenland Roll vol.2

Monday, 28 July 2014

Improving roll skills: Balance Brace & Standard Greenland Roll

There is nothing more rewarding than view of paddler improving his roll skills on our qajaq.
Paddler is using Rebel Ilaga. He has launched his own channel on Vimeo and decided to share his experiences with Rebel Ilaga. Thank You for that! 

Practicing: Standard Greenland Roll

Practicing: Balance Brace

Friday, 25 July 2014

Simplifying the Roll with Helen Wilson: Elbow & Behind Neck Rolls

Elbow & Behind the neck roll by Helen Wilson and Rebel Ilaga.

Demo made during Nordic Tour 2014 classes in Scandinavia.

If You have inspiring video with your Rebel please write to us. We willl be delighted to post on blog or fanpage.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Simplifying the Roll: Shotgun Roll with Helen Wilson

Shotgun Roll by Helen Wilson and Rebel Ilaga

Demonstration made during Nordic Tour 2014 Scandinavia. 

Do You have also some inspiring video with your Rebel? Send us we can publish here :) or just post on your Rebel Fanpage: >>HERE

Monday, 21 July 2014

Simplifying the Roll: Crossed Arm Roll

Simplifying the Roll with Helen Wilson and Rebel Ilaga

Demonstration during Nordic Tour 2014 Scandinavia

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Rebel PFD for rolling and touring

Have You seen our PFD? If not just take a look :)

Our PFD has two big pockets with zippers plus 7 adjustable straps for best body's fit. Adjustable straps are on: top (shoulders), front and both sides. At the front You will also find 4 way lash tab, it can be used to fix watch, knife or whatever You need while paddling. PFD's, same as our kayaks and paddles, are made in Poland. PFD was designed for touring, however thanks to adjustable straps is good choice to perform good rolls. 

Damiano from Gnarly Dog News
Tess from The Ocean Dragons

We got already some good reveiws about our PFD. One to our's delight was made by Christopher Crowhurst from >>Qajaq Rolls :

"The Rebel PFD is a kayak rollers dream."
"It has an awesome feature, each foam panel can be removed and modified easily, they are held in place behind monster Velcro sealed pockets. Most PFDs get in my way when training, I particularly struggled last weekend to get low in the foredeck of my ocean cockpit Shrike, I found myself wanting to shape the chest panels to allow me to get lower. Now I can."
Rebel PFD : Front

Rebel PFD :Back
Do You have any questions regarding our vest? Write us on or leave a comment. We are here to answer You.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Nordic Tour after the storm

Almost two months passed away from our last post, it because we are in peak season. We have a lot of work and a lot happen around us. Finally it's our first season.

As most of You already know that we are supporting Nordic Tour by Helen Wilson and Mark Tozer. They use Greenalnd T and Ilaga.
Few weeks ago Helen & Mark have had an accident on the way to Oslo. They were traveling with their bus and with the kayaks on the roof. They have rolled the van and stopped at trees. Lucky they are really fine, nothing serious happened to them and this is most important and good thing. Unluckily car and kayaks were totaly crashed.  After few days of convalescence they decided to continue their Nordic Tour and keep teaching the rolls.
If You would like to learn more, please visit their article: >>The day we rolled the van .
Now they are travelling with Johan's private car (Volvo of course;). We managed to replaced their kayak, one from our west coast delaer: KajakCenter i Grebbestad. Thank You Mats for that! Another one is a private Johan's kayak: Rebel Ilaga with wooden finish.

In general this accident could has big impact on Tour plus Mark&Helen personally, however thanks to many good people they are now fine and all problems were solved. Now is time to go forward!
Like Helen wrote on blog: "Life must go on, and we’re very grateful that we still have that life…"
At the time we are writing this post Helen and Mark are already in Greenland...  They will be back in Scandinavia around 23 of july.

new kayaks for Helen Wilson & Mark Tozer