Thursday, 13 March 2014

Interview with Johan Wirsen by Damiano Visocnik from GnarlyDog News blog

Learn more about Johan Wirsen: great designer of greenland style kayaks but also a sea kayak enthusiast.
Did You know that Johan has designed rowing and sailing boats too? Do You know what Johan thinks about sea kayak sailing?

You can read part of interview below and if You would like to read full interview go to GnarlyDog News blog.  >>GnarlyDog link

GDN: You have started a new brand of sea kayaks called Rebel: why another brand ?

JH: You know, since 2001 I have been working independently with kayak designs for a number of companies.(...)But as you know, the kayak business is also quite dirty and some of the companies I have been working with were also very greedy, so I have decided to terminate some contract with the “big ones” and start all over with this new little company Rebel Kayaks and try to keep the passion for the sport and paddling alive for myself.

GDN: Where and when will these kayak be available?
"Designer with his baby"

JH: For the moment we are that lucky that we have been contacted by so many high end retailers, dealers and customers that we can’t satisfied them all!! (...).

GDN: What style of kayaks are you focusing on under your brand Rebel?

JH: The first two models that we put into production are my two Greenland styled kayaks: the “ILAGA” and the ”T”. Those are the type of kayaks that I personally feel a lot for, and since they are well known they are like a signature for me. (...)

GDN:I notice a certain consistency of style in your creations even if the kayaks that you have designed have different goals in mind. How did you get involved in boat design and what is the driving force for your passion?

JH: Born on an island, and growing up with a father that had all kinds of boats (anything from fishing to sailing and even a water-ski boat) it is not that unusual that I got this interest and eventually I went to school to become a boat builder. I have always tried to build or rebuild my own stuff, even motorbikes!

GDN: Sea kayak sailing: what do you think of that?

JH: I must admit that I have not experienced sailing with a kayaks before I visited Australia. But I really got hooked! (...)

GDN: Last words?
Rebel Greenland T kayak at Oland Island

JH: Well I guess that would be: With paddling try to make it your own journey.(...)

GnarlyDog News -One of the  most recognized paddling blog on Earth and region. Like he wrote on blog: 
"How do I find the time to do all this? simple: I got rid of my TV. That's right,"

See full article here  >>GnarlyDog News