Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Greenland T - we will show first model of Rebel Kayaks on Paddle Expo / KanuMesse 2013 in Nurnberg

We will take a part in KanuMesse / Paddle Expo 2013 in Nunrberg. We will be at show with our first model of greenland style sea kayak: Greenland T.
Find and visit us on Aquarius Kayak's stand which is D7 in hall number 7.

Greenland T is not so "new" on the market. In fact kayak is very well known but under other brands.
We have changed i.a:
  • backrest - now is foldable and also conntected to seat.
  • weight - we have used best combination of materials. New Greenland T is lighter and stiffer - it means our kayak is BETTER than it was before ;) 
If You would like to make appointment with us at KanuMesse please write us directly at: info@rebelkayaks.com

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Rebel Kayaks – new brand of high end sea kayaks for demanding paddlers.

After more then ten years of designing kayaks for a number of companies (and got ripped off a couple off times) it is now time to back off a little and look for the passion and joy once more.
The idea for Rebel Kayaks is to connect design with skilled employees. Workers that have the knowledge and feeling for the materials that they work with. And also have the knowledge and feeling for paddling. It means that I as a designer am more closely connected to the process. The vast experience that the builders have will translate into producing high end sea kayaks for demanding paddlers – built on experience!

First two models introduced under the Rebel brand will not be “new models”. Instead we have chosen two models that are well known, recognised, and highly regarded by paddlers all around. We will upgrade them and also put more effort into the lamination in order to get stiffer and lighter boats. The kayaks will not be produced in big numbers any more. Instead we will focus on putting that little extra effort into each and every kayak.
The difference that You will feel while paddling in REBEL kayak.

Yours sincerely Johan Wirsén
boat builder/designer